New music from Giambattista Fedrici out soon! You can listen to the first track "Joy of Life" of the new album.
Sheer Piano Essence
Released October 2024
Genre: Classical music
Label: Infinity Records
New music from Giambattista Fedrici is here.
Deep Meditation Vol. 3 new album is out now. Discover the latest work of italian music composer Giambattista Fedrici.
Deep Meditation Vol. 3
Released September 18, 2020
Genre: Classical music
Label: Infinity Records
New music from Giambattista Fedrici is here.
ZEN Musical Moments new album is out now. Discover the latest work of italian music composer Giambattista Fedrici.
ZEN Musical Moments
Released February 7, 2020
Genre: Classical music
Label: Infinity Records
Enjoy with my music.
1# track
2# track
This is the official video of “Une Petite Improvisation” of Italian composer Giambattista Fedrici.
Watch on YouTube official video of UNE PETITE IMPROVISATION by italian classical composer Giambattista Fedrici
All news of italian composer Giambattista Fedrici
In this section of my website you can to read latest news of my musician life.
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